Educatia – successful learning book, tips how to learn the easy way

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When to get this book

  1. If you struggle with learning and you want to do better
  2. If you excel in learning but you want be the best

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Educatia – successful learning book, tips how to learn the easy way/ think and learn the easy way

Educatia – successful learning book, tips how to learn the easy way – pocket guide – your template on how to learn successfully.

Practical and simple instructions from psychology for direct application into your learning. Fully customizable to your age.

Sections of the book

Theory and practices

  1. How to think and learn better – simple hack
  2. Immediate response
  3. Psychology in learning as your mental advantage
  4. Stress and school performance – origin of stress, reasoning, reverse process of stress, management
  5. Relaxing techniques – before, during and after learning, as well as the tests
  6. Rethinking of mental approach / calculations
  7. Cognitions and goals – 3 pillars of success, clear vision
  8. Advanced techniques of preparation – timing, categorization, understanding the possibilities, setting goals, mental preparation for exam
  9. Mental strategies – focusing on achieving predetermined goals, global and active strategy, 5 stages of approach, the most intimate moment
  10. Learning / preparation routine – Icarus activity approach, pre-test warm-up, learning experiment / variables
  11. Self-confidence – belief as a psychological factor, mind + power = control, inner balance

Customizable part

  1. Understand your possibilities
  2. Mental game achievements
  3. 3 your mind
  4. Evaluation diagram
  5. In the school bag check list
  6. Upcoming goals
  7. Custom global / active strategy
  8. Preparation plan for a test
  9. Leo – learning organizer overview
  10. List of mistakes
  11. Meetings with your mentor
  12. Self – evaluation
  13. Goals map indicators
  14. Visual memory matrix

Tips how to learn the easy way

Using the Educatia – pocket guide literally means to have a wise guardian for your life path by your side. In other words you don’t have to rely on luck or anybody else. Additionally, your mind is becoming free from all external factors. In other words, you will start to have more fun in the school. In contrast, there will be less uncontrollable efforts.

Therefore you will gain control in the most challenging situations. Subsequently, your evaluation will improve. However, not by an accident but because of your newly acquired skills.

Above all, your passion for learning more and much easily will become stronger than ever before. That is to say, Educatia – pocket guide is a wheel invention in learning and it is starting a new era of legitimate self improvement never seen before.

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EAN 9788057044185, ISBN 978-80-570-4418-5

Educatia - successful learning, tips how to learn the easy way

Additional information

Weight120 g
Dimensions150 × 110 × 10 mm

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