Pre-tournament routine in golf – swing practice Webinar
Pre-tournament routine in golf – swing practice Webinar is uncovering various steps you, as a golfer, can implement to increase your chances to play better score in tournament.
Read the true stories about golfers who prepare for a season according to Mario Beky’s training.
2 pre-tournament routines for two types of golfers
Being prepared means to be one step ahead or eventually even more steps ahead. Not only 1 step ahead of others but ahead of myself from yesterday. You are making too many mistakes. Therefore you should stick to the routine. This Masterclass webinar is speaking about 2 but significant routines. First routine is for golfers who are looking for basic solution. The core of it is simple and takes very short time. In addition, the other type of routine is more advanced. It offers golfer more options and solid ground. Therefore, he will be more calm and relaxed. Often, when you position yourself on the tee, all the thoughts disappear. Additionally, your body start experiencing a stressful reaction. The goal here is to have this kind of situation under control at all times.
Balance your mind and you will…
Balance your mind and you will balance your swing. There is no other way of doing it. This is what fascinate every golfer. It’s time to be honest. We all love to go out there on the fairways to test our ability to prevail the pressure and hit as many shots in control as possible. This is achievable only by having control over our emotions. The question isn’t – Can you control your emotions at all times? The question is whether do you know what are your emotions. How can you control something if you don’t know how it works? Top Sport Psychology