1 month subscription – Basic mental game of golf online course
1 month subscription – 4.90€/ per 1 month
- full access to all 25 video lessons in 4 sections
- all video lessons are transcribed into the text form
- Introduction to mental game of golf
- Practical golf psychology
- Stress in actual golf game
- Emotional control on the golf course
- full access to evaluation / 10 quizzes
- full 1 year access to the course progress after continual renewing of subscription
- support in frequently asked questions
- full 1 month access
- billed monthly
Mental game means to have strong fundamentals
This is the way how to start with improving your golf game. Half of your success on the golf course is within regular practicing with your golf PRO. So, the other half of success in golf is within your head.
Hence, this subscription opens for you the doors into a better golf game. Also, we’re inviting you to join our private GOLF MENTAL GAME ACADEMY Facebook group. Moreover, you can watch free instructional videos on Top Sport Psychology YouTube channel.
For the full experience of improvement in golf we recommend to practice with teaching golf professional when using 1 month subscription – Basic mental game of golf online course.
*1 – Gifts are not part of monthly subscription only when purchased as the whole course. This is the link to the online course Basic mental game level of golf. *2 – Every new annual subscription receives new set of gifts. *3 – Subscriber must return all gifts in status and within time period described in Terms and conditions when applying Improvement money back guarantee if this guarantee applies to this online course as described in Terms and conditions. Shipping costs for returning the gifts are fully covered by subscriber. *4 – Payment starts with every new day of following month. Therefore, you will receive your payment update already in first days of a new month.